648 Main Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-845-6226
Fax: 508-842-0061

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Advance Planning
Advance Planning

Click Here for Our Pre-Arrangement Form.
We all plan for our future - educations, careers, vacations, even for the unexpected. But many people pause when it comes to planning for the inevitable...

Many people today hesitate when they consider pre-arranging funeral services. Although it can remind us of difficult times ahead for either a loved one or even for ourselves, pre-arranging need not be an uncomfortable event. It can be an important and responsible step that can save both emotional and financial distress.

Pre-funding a funeral is one of the best decisions a person can make.When a funeral is pre-funded in its entirety at Britton Funeral Homes, the price of the funeral is then guaranteed. That means the cost of the funeral is locked in and will never rise, regardless of when the need arises. Additionally, by locking in the price, the funeral costs are protected against the effects of inflation.

There are several funding options you may choose from:

1. Insurance Policy:

This insurance policy is easy to purchase. There are no health questions or physical examinations required. A one time premium or multi-pay premiums 36 and 60 month installment are available. The Serenity Plan offers dividend-based increasing benefits that exceed other pre-need funding methods including traditional Funeral Trusts. Insurance policies bear no tax-consequences what so ever. These policies are approved for use by the Massachusetts Insurance Commission. This funding method is accepted by Medicaid.

2. Assignment of existing Insurance Policies

Existing policies may be assigned to the funeral home, provided they are in force and carry no loan obligation. Medicaid requires that the Funeral Home be made the owner and beneficiary of the policies.

We would be happy to assist with the necessary documentation required for any of the above mentioned funding methods.

At Britton Funeral Homes, we offer a pre-planning program that can be tailored to satisfy your individual needs. And, arrangements may be made at the funeral home or even in the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you would like more information about pre-planning services for you or for a loved one, please feel free to contact us by phone or simply email us at info@brittonfuneralhomes.com.



The best time to begin making your prearrangements is now, while you're thinking about it. While some people in their 40's and 50's may think it's too early to preplan, people who do say that prearranging their funerals is smart financial planning and gives them added peace of mind knowing they aren't leaving this burden to family members. By taking time now to collect cost information and calmly making choices related to your own funeral arrangements, you'll be protecting your family against the stress of having to make these decisions at a time of extreme emotional stress. This way you can carefully choose specific items you want and need ... and pay for them now. Prepaid Investments through funeral homes allows families to fund their funerals in advance through different investment vehicles.

Today, more individuals and families are making the decision to prearrange their funerals than ever before. Because of the factors such as inflation, fewer extended family members living close by, and other changes in our society, planning your own funeral can make a lot of sense. In a recent survey, these were the most common reasons people gave for prearranging their own funerals:

  1. Lets your wishes be known.
  2. Reduces stress for friends and family at an already emotional time.
  3. Saves money
  4. Guarantees your family will never have to pay more for your funeral - no matter what happens with inflation.
  5. Shows you care.
  6. Relieves your loved ones of the financial responsibility. 

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